train up and employ the underprivileged groups such as unengaged youth, single parent, low-income people and rehabilitated drug abusers
Provides vegetables and products, green educational tour, training workshops as well as consultancy services
Social Enterprises (SEs) in Hong Kong, located across the territory and providing a variety of quality products and services, produce numerous social benefits. Check them out here and show your support!
[Note: The information in "Find SEs" is provided by SE projects funded by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The list is not in any particular order and is for general information only. The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region does not guarantee the accuracy of the information and accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage arising from any cause related to the information.]
Total 10 SEs
train up and employ the underprivileged groups such as unengaged youth, single parent, low-income people and rehabilitated drug abusers
Provides vegetables and products, green educational tour, training workshops as well as consultancy services
Operating with the concept of 5Rs, we recycle, refurbish and reuse infant products, rebuild young mothers' working ability and self-confidence, and rekindle their hope of life.
Creates a mother-friendly working environment through establishing a second-hand baby product sales platform, so that young mothers can return to the workforce and acquire different vocational skills to achieve self-reliance. Donation of children's items.
We aim to enhance the employment opportunities for people with disabilities through the business operation of floral design and retail services.
Professional floral design and retail services
supports socially disadvantaged to develop production skills and respond to sustainability issues
Provide fresh, safe local aquatic and agricultural products, and organise community educational activities.
Promoting environmental protection and job opportunities for young people.
Recycling old clothes from housing estates.
Provide work training opportunity for disabled trainees. Encouraging the public to reduce the waste and protect our environment.
Selling of second-hand clothing and goods.
Provide diversified jobs opportunities and work trainings to person in recovery and others disadvantaged groups
Provide diversified jobs opportunities and work trainings to person in recovery and disadvantaged groups, such likes, planting, marketing, logistics, guided tours, handicrafts and public education. Our indoor farm is welcome to visit by appointment, and
Provides job opportunities and on-job training to the low-skilled in Tung Chung.
Provides leisure farming (farmland for lease) and green workshop with demonstration or eco-tours by agriculture ambassadors, and sale of locally-grown organic farming produce
SE/ SE project set up under the Enhancing Self-Reliance Through District Partnership Programme of the Home Affairs Department
SE/ SE project set up under the Enhancing Employment of People with Disabilities through Small Enterprise Project of the Social Welfare Department
[Note: The information in "Find SEs" is provided by SE projects funded by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The list is not in any particular order and is for general information only. The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region does not guarantee the accuracy of the information and accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage arising from any cause related to the information.]
Social Enterprises (SEs) in Hong Kong, located across the territory and providing a variety of quality products and services, produce numerous social benefits. Check them out here and show your support!
[Note: The information in "Find SEs" is provided by SE projects funded by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The list is not in any particular order and is for general information only. The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region does not guarantee the accuracy of the information and accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage arising from any cause related to the information.]