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SEs or SE projects funded by the Government

Social Enterprises (SEs) in Hong Kong, located across the territory and providing a variety of quality products and services, produce numerous social benefits. Check them out here and show your support!

Food and Beverages
Domestic Service
Retail and Lifestyle
Eco Living, Recycling and Upcycling
Care Service
Fitness and Health Care
Corporate Service and Business Support
Education and Training
Arts, Culture and Travel
Personal Care

[Note: The information in "Find SEs" is provided by SE projects funded by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The list is not in any particular order and is for general information only. The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region does not guarantee the accuracy of the information and accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage arising from any cause related to the information.]

Total 20 SEs

Mission To New Arrivals Limited
Product / Service

To provide job opportunities at home for new arrival women to take care of children while earning income.


To provide handicraft products: Silk stocking flowers, gift items, knitting products, clothes accessories, and handicraft workshop.

The Boys' Brigade, Hong Kong
Product / Service

Aiming at nurturing underprivileged youngsters talented in art and design, we provide job opportunities and on-the-job training to facilitate their ability and skills to fulfill their dream.


Providing event planning, graphic design and souvenir production.

BiciLine Cycling Eco-Tourism Social Enterprise
TWGHs BiciLine Cycling Eco-Tourism Social Enterprise
Product / Service

Provides training on life planning, and job exploration and taster activities for young people who wish to become tour guides or bicycle ambassadors.


Provides diversified local tours (by bicycle, by coach or on foot), project administration, bicycle and road safety education and corporate volunteer programmes for clients across the territory.

Cultural Vision HK
JointPublishing CulturalFund Ltd
Product / Service

Alleviating poverty through knowledge, advocating for opportunities for marginalized communities, and promoting multiculturalism.


Organize educational seminars, plan cultural expos, and conduct cultural activities in schools.

New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association
Product / Service

To provide work and training opportunities for people in recovery of mental illness.


Offers of interesting ecological activities to schools, housing estates, organisations, enterprises and the community in the New Life Farm with areas of different education and scenic themes

Hong Kong Paper Crafting Cultural Center
Dragon Origin Moral Education Centre Limited
Product / Service

To promote traditional paper crafting culture and provide training in paper crafting skills to underprivileged communities, enabling them to become self-reliant.


Production and provision of paper crafting products.

Live Nature
Sai Kung District Community Centre
Product / Service

Connects people conscious of ecological conservation through a series of interactive activities, such as sharing, exploration and research and development, to nurture a pool of talent for the further development of experiential eco-tourism in the communit


Explores, develops and promotes to the public aesthetic and sustainable experiential ecotourism products/activities.

SE/ SE project set up under the Enhancing Self-Reliance Through District Partnership Programme of the Home Affairs Department

SE/ SE project set up under the Enhancing Employment of People with Disabilities through Small Enterprise Project of the Social Welfare Department

[Note: The information in "Find SEs" is provided by SE projects funded by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The list is not in any particular order and is for general information only. The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region does not guarantee the accuracy of the information and accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage arising from any cause related to the information.]

SEs or SE projects funded by the Government

Social Enterprises (SEs) in Hong Kong, located across the territory and providing a variety of quality products and services, produce numerous social benefits. Check them out here and show your support!

Hong Kong
  • Central and Western
  • Eastern
  • Southern
  • Wan Chai
  • Kowloon City
  • Kwun Tong
  • Sham Shui Po
  • Wong Tai Sin
  • Yau Tsim Mong
New Territories
  • Islands
  • Kwai Tsing
  • North
  • Sai Kung
  • Sha Tin
  • Tai Po
  • Tsuen Wan
  • Tuen Mun
  • Yuen Long

[Note: The information in "Find SEs" is provided by SE projects funded by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The list is not in any particular order and is for general information only. The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region does not guarantee the accuracy of the information and accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage arising from any cause related to the information.]